Exhale Training School Policies
Deposits and course fees are non-refundable, however, under some circumstances, you can use your course fee payments towards or pay in full for a different course. All transfers are at the discretion of Exhale Training School and are subject to availability.
If you need to postpone your course attendance to a future date, you can do so up until 4 weeks before the start date (after this date only in extenuating circumstances & and subject to availability, with a cost of £150). Any fees already paid can be put towards/ paid in full for an upcoming course. Contact Nicola at nicolagarrett09@gmail.com if you need to defer your place.
If you leave part way through a course for any reason (including being asked to leave the course for misconduct or illness), your course fees will not be refunded. If you left due to a genuine, unavoidable reason, you may join a future course free of charge if there are places left, to be decided 1 week before the course begins.
There is a zero-tolerance policy on inappropriate comments or actions including those related to age, gender, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, physical or mental ability or other discrimination. Inappropriate comments or actions can result in being asked to leave the course without a refund. Please treat the teacher/ other staff/ students with respect.
Any inappropriate verbal or physical behaviour should be reported immediately to the teacher.
If you experience illness during the course, and it will affect your learning, or others (e.g. contagious), the teacher may ask you not to attend. A refund will not be issued, but you can attend a future course subject to availability.
Let Nicola know as soon as you begin to feel unwell.
Complaints are to be made in writing to Nicola in the first instance, you may also contact Thinktree who is the school’s awarding body.
Plagiarism & Cheating (Level 3 Courses)
All work is to be completed in your own words. Plagiarism or cheating could result in withholding your certificate.
Need help?
Contact Nicola at nicolagarrett09@gmail.com for any questions related to policies or deferrals.
Still have questions?
Contact Nicola nicolagarrett09@gmail.com